Mountain rescue service Füssen has its hands full at the weekend | Circular messenger Füssen


Schwangau – The Füssen mountain rescue service had to move out for several missions last weekend. Especially on Saturday she had her hands full.

First, on Friday afternoon, an exhausted climber who was on the Tegelberg via ferrata and got stuck alerted the mountain rescue service. According to the report, the man stated that he could not get any further without help. The mountain rescuers therefore climbed with the additionally secured man through the rest of the trail and then accompanied him back down into the valley.

On Saturday afternoon the mountain watchmen had to move out five times. However, the first alert about an unconscious person on Tegelberg was revised again after a short time and clarification by the head of operations. No further intervention by the emergency services was necessary.

Exhausted hikers at the Rohrkopfhütte

The two, three and four missions on this one On the other hand, day there were no false positives. The six on-duty mountain rescuers from Füssen and Kaufbeuren first had to help an exhausted person at the Rohrkopfhütte, a mountaineer with a wrist fracture on the Ahorn-Reithweg from Tegelberg to Bleckenau, as well as in the search for a missing elderly lady on the Tegelberg. The woman was found again after half an hour in the valley area by the relatives.

Immediately after the mission on the Ahorn-Reithweg, the rescue helicopter Christoph 17 and the mountain rescuer were called to the Helmerkopf again. A hiker broke his ankle there. With this rescue and the subsequent refueling of the emergency helicopter at the Füssen rescue station, a busy afternoon for the mountain rescue workers came to an end.

But the rescuers were challenged again on Sunday. Again in the late afternoon they were called to the Rohrkopfhütte, where two completely exhausted hikers struggle with circulatory problems. The mountain rescuers examined the hikers medically and then brought them down to the valley.


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