Disney’s animated story about the unusual Madrigali family, who live hidden in a magical house in the mountains of Colombia, in a beautiful and charming place called Encanto. The magic of Encanta blessed every child in the family with a unique gift, from super strength to the power of healing, every child, except one – Mirabel. But when she discovers that the magic surrounding Encanto is in danger, Mirabel realizes that she, the only “normal” Madrigali, could be the last hope of her remarkable family .
Animation authors Jared Bush Moana ), Byron Howard Zootropolis – City of Animals ) and co-director Caris Castro Smith proudly talk about the cartoon: “This is the first time we have tried to describe the whole large family in detail. We have a lot of main characters who are really, really important for the story, it was challenging, but the whole team was dedicated to it from the beginning. Encanto and Madrigal are home to magical realism, Colombia itself is a scene of good music, diverse culture and different ethnicities. ”
Colombia had one of the main roles in the animation “Encanto”, stunning landscapes and vegetation of the Kokora Valley, the rural areas of Barikara and Salento and the specific architecture of Bogota.
Music for the animated film was made by famous musician Lin-Manuel Miranda who points out that he is very proud of the fact that this is a Latin American Disney musical, and he contributed to it by creating an original song for the film ” Colombia, Mi encanto “.
Jealousy among the sisters in the Madrigali family, Isabela is senorita perfect , everything she touches becomes flowers, on the other side there is Maribel who is unusual in an otherwise quite unusual family. Mirabel is special, while Isabela is very special, which creates an irresistible conflict between the two sisters. Encanto is a warm story about family, generational differences, but also love that manages to overcome those differences.
From 25. November the latest Disney synchronized animation will be in cinemas across Serbia.
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