Mukhtar Ansari's son Umar arrested, Lav reached the district court with Lashkar

Story Highlights

    Umar was with Lashkar in Prayagraj District Court Police arrested 8 people including Umar , left after

    Uttar Pradesh Police has arrested Umar, son of Bahubali leader Mukhtar Ansari. It is alleged that Umar reached Prayagraj district court with Lav Lashkar. During this, the hearing of Brijesh Singh’s case was held in the MP-MLA court. In this case, the police arrested 8 people and interrogated them.

    Mafia Brijesh Singh was to be produced in the district court on Friday. During this, elaborate security arrangements were made. However, during Brijesh’s court appearance, Umar along with his companions reached the court premises with Lav Lashkar. However, the police tried to stop him. During this there was also a clash between the two sides.

    Police arrested and released later
    After this the police arrested 8 people including Omar. All these were challaned under section 151. However, all were later released. According to news agency ANI, Prayagraj Superintendent of Police Dinesh Singh gave this information.

    Brijesh Singh is lodged in Varanasi jail. He was to appear in the MP-MLA court on Friday. But he could not appear in court. Earlier, Mukhtar Ansari had described Brijesh Singh as underworld don Dawood Ibrahim during the virtual hearing in the Barabanki ambulance case. Ansari had accused Brajesh Singh of including his fake name in the ambulance case to put pressure on the witnesses in the murder case.

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