MUST WATCH: Rob Hersov to SA cabinet – Lead the world, end restrictions, pandemic is over

Entrepreneur Rob Hersov has called on SA’s cabinet to lead the world out of the pandemic by immediately lifting all remaining Covid-related restrictions. Hersov, whose hard-hitting keynote to the BizNews Investment conference was viewed by hundreds of thousands, has become an outspoken, independent voice since returning to SA after achieving business success overseas. He has assumed a role as an alternative to the popular narrative, and in a WhatsApp message (watch below) – sent to the cabinet via finance minister Enoch Godongwana – urges an immediate end to all restrictions as evidence grows that the now dominant Omicron variant of Covid-19 is “now a ‘flu.” Hersov asked that this message be spread far and wide to trigger action. Ending restrictions would help the country’s battered hospitality sector avoid another disastrous New Year’s Eve, usually one of its busiest nights of the year. South Africa is currently on Covid-19 Level One restrictions which includes a midnight to 4am curfew; an 11pm closing time for public estalishments like restaurants, bars, shebeens and taverns; and limits on the number of people allowed at gatherings. Hersov’s message comes less than a week after South Africa cancelled all Covid-related  quarantine and isolation protcols (see below the video) – a decision it strangely reversed a few days later. – Alec Hogg

First page of the directive from the director general of SA’s Dept of Health:

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