MX Nationals to continue partnership with Syntol for 2022 | Dirtbike Rider

After a successful first year of working together in 2021, the Michelin MX Nationals powered by Milwaukee and Syntol Lubricants are pleased to announce that their partnership will be extending throughout this coming year and 2023. 

Syntol Lubricants will remain as the title class sponsor of the Open 85cc class and will grow their presence at the events, including their support of newly signed team, Phoenix Even Strokes Kawasaki.

Syntol Lubricants director Johnny Blackshaw explains why the new oil company on the block are committed to the MX Nationals for the next two years. “Syntol are delighted to continue the partnership with the MX Nationals British Motocross Championship into the 2022 season and beyond. Our involvement allows us to reach a global audience via social media, and closer to home, allows us to interact with the public at events to offer advice and insights into the Syntol range. Our collaboration also enables us to gain valuable data from race teams and riders within the championship to help continually drive the development of our already World leading products. We wish all MX Nationals competitors a safe and successful 2022 race season.”

“It’s great for us to have Syntol onboard for another two years” says MX Nationals director Paul Irwin. “It gives us both a good opportunity to plan and grow together with more long term goals and of course it’s always good to know that a brand who has invested into the championship likes what we’re doing and where we’re going. Syntol Lubricants are a young, fresh brand into the market so having them as class sponsor of the exciting Open 85cc class is a good fit. We look forward to developing that class further with Johnny and the Syntol brand.” 

For more information on Syntol Lubricants visit them at and for the Michelin MX Nationals powered by Milwaukee go to or follow them on Facebook or Instagram. 


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