My Dress-Up Darling Ep5: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online

Episode 4 of My Dress-Up Darling starts with Gojo coming home late, and grandpa asks him why he’s late. Gojo says he was out with friends and a pair of women’s tights slides out from his bag.

Grandpa falls sick from the shock and is taken to the hospital. He is okay but will have to stay at Gojo’s uncle’s place for a while.

Kitagawa is worried after hearing this news and offers to cook for him or help however she can. Later, they come to know that they will have their exams that week. Will Gojo finish the dress in time?

Here are the latest updates.

Episode 5 Speculations

Gojo was surprised that he did all this work for nothing, but he wouldn’t let it show even if he felt frustrated. Now that the dress is ready, I hope Kitagawa wears it to the event, even if she wasn’t really planning on going initially.

Poor grandpa got such a fright seeing those tights come out of Gojo’s bag. His weak heart couldn’t take it. Hopefully, Gojo will introduce Kitagawa to grandpa, and there’ll be no more such episodes.

Episode 5 Release Date

Episode 5 of the My Dress-Up Darling anime will be released on Saturday, Feb 05, 2022. The episode title or preview has not been shown.

1. Is My Dress-Up Darling on Break This Week?

No, episode 5 of My Dress-Up Darling is not on a break this week. No such delay has been announced.

Episode 4 Recap

Gojo comes back home, and his grandpa asks where he was. He replies he was with a friend, and grandpa’s happy, up until something falls out of his bag. It’s a pair of girl’s tights. This spikes grandpa’s blood pressure, and he falls.

Gojo takes him to the emergency, and it isn’t anything major, but he’s old, and so his cousin comes by to take him to her house to take care of. Her home is much closer to the hospital, and she asks Gojo to stay with her as well.

He goes to school the next day looking morose, and Kitagawa comes to know that his grandpa is in the hospital. She asks him to call her if he needs something, she offers to cook for him and he thanks her.

Their exam schedule is put up on the notice board, and it hits Gojo that they have exams. His grandpa is sick, and he’s got to make Kitagawa’s dress in two weeks, and on top of that, he has to study for exams.

He goes home and sews and studies. Thinking Gojo is under a lot of pressure, Kitagawa goes to his place with beef broth. There are no lights in the house, so she goes back, thinking Gojo is at his cousin’s.

Meanwhile, Gojo is at home having a nervous breakdown over his work and how incompetent he is. The next day Gojo asked Kitagawa to come over, to show her the dress he somehow finished. He was quick with it and didn’t even sleep to let her wear it to her cosplay event.

She says she didn’t mean it when she talked about going to the event in two weeks. She was going to wait for him to finish, but he went through all this trouble, and the guilt made her cry. She puts on the dress, and Gojo does her makeup and hair. She looks exactly like Shizuku-tan.

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About My Dress-Up Darling

My Dress-Up Darling is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shinichi Fukuda. It began serialization in Square Enix’s Young Gangan in January 2018, and has been compiled into seven volumes as of April 2021. An anime television series adaptation has been announced.

Traumatized by a childhood incident, doll-artisan hopeful Wakana Gojou passes his days as a loner. To Wakana, people like beautiful Marin Kitagawa, a trendy girl, is practically an alien from another world.

But when cheerful Marin, never one to be shy, spots Wakana sewing away one day after school, she barges in with the aim of roping her quiet classmate into her secret hobby: cosplay!

Will Wakana’s wounded heart be able to handle the invasion from this sexy alien?!

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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