[My musical instrument, my favorite machine] 605 “President of Pearl I longed for!”


[Pearl President 70’s] (Kame, Tochigi, 48 years old)


Previous NES Guitar and NES Effector

I posted, but I’m actually a drummer (^-^;

I’ve been myself for a long time I was looking for a drum set of the same age as the one, but I finally met ~! I’m the president of Pearl in the mid-1970s ~. And I think the 18-inch bass drum set is rare!

I was so happy that I polished it while drinking at night ~ (^-^; I want to use it carefully. Recently, the president from Pearl has reprinted it again. I’m glad it’s done ~!


Oh, I’m the president! I visited Pearl last week. I did, but I was excited by the story of the reprinted version of the president. I’m going to tell the person in charge about this post. But, it’s a nice color. The 18 buses are just like now! (Musical instrument) Person Chief P Imai)

★ Let me introduce you to your instrument

“My instrument, my favorite machine” corner So, we are looking for musical instruments that everyone is proud of. Please send it to the BARKS musical instrument editorial department. We will introduce it with the comments of the editorial department, so we are waiting for the following elements.

(1) Post title
(Example) A longing Jaguar that I finally bought after working hard
(example ) The cutest tambourine in the world when I wrote a picture
(2) Instrument name (brand model name)
(Example) Travis Bean TB-1000 (Example) Self-made Tambourine Handmade No. 3
(3) Name Location Age
(Example) Mr. Shizuoka, 21 years old

(Example) Mr. Taro Yamada, Akabane City, Kita-ku, X years old (4) Explanation / Proud Talk
The amount of text does not matter. It doesn’t matter what the episode / commitment / boasting points are. We look forward to your passionate posts.
(5) Photo

Up to 5 sheets

● Application form: https://forms.gle/XX72yo6Ph3BwqQHE9

◆ [My instrument / My favorite machine] Summary page

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Audio & Musical Instruments


Percussion instrument

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[Comment Relay] You can easily participate in whether you are 3 or 90 years old. Takashi Niigaki from the judges, “The first step to improve by listening greedily”

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