MyPPK. A website for participants of Employee Capital Plans has been launched

2022-01-03 19: 33

2022-01-03 19:33

MojePPK. Ruszył serwis dla uczestników Pracowniczych Planów Kapitałowych
MojePPK. Ruszył serwis dla uczestników Pracowniczych Planów Kapitałowych

photo. nikkimeel / / Shutterstock

At the beginning of 2022, the MojePPK service was launched for participants of Employee Capital Plans (PPK) – the Polish Development Fund announced on Monday. You can, among others, access data about funds accumulated in the program.

After logging in, which can be done using a trusted profile or account on the website, the participant gains access to data on funds accumulated in the program, as well as detailed information about the PPK accounts held.

The announcement stated that the possibility of 2.28 million people have benefited from savings in PPK so far, who have already collected a total of PLN 7.64 billion of assets.

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“MojePPK service is a breakthrough step in the implementation of Employee Capital Plans, which makes it easier for the employee to observe how its capital grows for the future. Until now, only about 22% of program participants logged into their accounts. program “- said the president of PFR Portal PPK, Robert Zapotoczny, quoted in the announcement.

As PFR informed, the portal is only informative and does not allow for submitting instructions related to savings. On the MojePPK website, users will find information about the PPK accounts held, with the names of employers and financial institutions managing PPK in given companies.

Added that in the details of each account, you can check the current value of accumulated funds and the amount of payments made, broken down into contributions from the employee, employer and state subsidies. The website also contains information on withdrawals or refunds from the account, if any. It also allows you to generate a report with a summary of account data and a summary of all funds collected in the PPK.

MojePPK service is available in Polish, English and Ukrainian.

author: Łukasz Pawłowski

Source: PAP
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Linked: PPK – Employee Capital Plans




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