Myths About Vaccination Against COVID Dismantled by Reality

Miturile Vaccinarea anti-COVID Demontate Realitate

CNCAV presents today a new series of myths about vaccination that are spread on social networks in large numbers, even if they are completely false, but most people support these theories for various reasons without ever considering whether they are lied to and manipulated, which will ultimately prolong the pandemic to

It is interesting that one of the myths below, that of infertility, is dismantled even by the first person in Romania who was vaccinated, a nurse, who became pregnant Some time after she was immunized.

Vaccines do not cause infertility for several generations, do not kill, do not cause abortions and do not prevent blood donation. Dr. Robert Malone is NOT the inventor of messenger RNA vaccines and is vaccinated with Moderna

  1. Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines and says that no one should make them: False!

Malone is a man of science that in the late 1980s participated in the long search for an mRNA vaccine, which reached a successful outcome with the Covid-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech. He acknowledges himself as the “inventor of mRNA vaccines”, but many scientists have been involved in this research for decades. This overview of the three decades of development contains 224 citations of scientific papers and dozens of names.

Malone, whose ambiguous position on Covid-19 vaccines has fueled the anti-vax movement, does not in fact take the view that no one should be vaccinated. Malone criticized universal vaccination against Covid-19, but said that “a much better strategy is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable.” Malone himself is vaccinated against Covid-19 disease

All vaccinated people will die after six months due to the destroyed immune system: False

  • Covid-19 vaccines cause “increased antibody dependence (ADE)”: False!
  • All vaccinated will make blood clots: False!
  • Covid-19 vaccines cause infertility and miscarriages: False
  • Vaccinated people cannot donate blood, plasma, organs: False! ”
  • Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the above content. To see the article at original source Click Here

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