Nahuel Tenaglia, on loan to Deportivo Alavés

E Deportivo Alavés has made official the incorporation of the Argentine winger Nahuel Tenaglia for this season and the next . The 18-month loan has been agreed with Atlético Talleres, the club to which the 24-year-old footballer belongs, and there is a purchase option after the loan period has expired.

This is the third arrival at the club from Vitoria in this winter transfer market after Jason and Escalante, in one position, the right back, which are currently disputed between Martín Aguirregabiria and the reserve team player Alex Tirlea, due to Ximo Navarro’s injury.

Tenaglia, who joined Atlético Talleres in 2017 from Atalanta, He has played 62 games in the Argentine First Division , in addition to having participated in the Copa Libertadores and the South American. This season Tenaglia was the starting right-back for his team, and in 24 games played (2078 minutes) he has managed to score three goals and provide another three assists.

Nahuel Tenaglia has dual nationality

The club has also clarified that the player has dual nationality italoargentina, so he will not occupy a place as a non-community player.

This incorporation makes it compulsory to release records at Deportivo Alavés. Some of the names that sound the most to come out in this winter market are those of John Guidetti or Saúl García.

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