Named the most popular cars in the world in 2021

2021 can definitely be called one of the worst periods for the automotive market in modern history. Despite this, people in all countries continued to buy new cars.

Not so long ago it was safe to say that the most popular car in Germany was the Volkswagen Golf, but in the last three years the leadership of the model was under threat. Despite this, the car still occupies the first line, but it began to “catch up” with crossovers – followed by T-Roc and Tiguan. Thus, last year Golf sold 91,621 units, and the other two models – 57,424 and 55,527 cars, respectively.

The second largest car market in Europe, the French, led the Peugeot 208 with a figure of 88,037 cars sold. It is followed by Renault Clio and Dacia Sandero – 85370 and 77067 cars, respectively.

The UK market was led by the budget Opel Corsa, overtaking the undisputed leader Ford Fiesta. The new leader sold 40,914 cars. It is followed by Tesla Model 3 with 34,783 units and Mini Cooper with 31,792 cars sold.

The Italian market is still led by Fiat Panda with 112,298 cars sold , which is 7.6% of the market. In second place was the Fiat 500, and in third place was the Lancia Ypsilon, which sold 44,819 and 43,735 cars, respectively.

In Spain, the first two sales are crossovers. These are Seat Arona and Hyundai Tucson, which chose 21,946 and 21,258 Spaniards. Closes the top 3 budget model Renault Sandero with a figure of 20,419 cars

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