Nancy Grabusnik Celebrated as a Woman of the Month for January 2022 by P.O.W.E.R.

Nancy Grabusnik Celebrated as a Woman of the Month for January 2022 by P.O.W.E.R. - Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized

Hackensack, NJ, January 18, 2022 –(– Nancy Grabusnik of Hackensack, New Jersey has been celebrated as a Woman of the Month for January 2022 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the retail field of hardware. Each month P.O.W.E.R. features women to represent their professions and industries due to their expertise and success in their chosen specialty.

About Nancy Grabusnik
Nancy Grabusnik is the owner and manager of G&S Hardware & Supply, True Value/Benjamin Moore Paint store. Located in Hackensack, New Jersey, the shop provides services such as cutting keys, repairing and building screens, and making deliveries. The store also offers seasonal items.

With over 25 years of experience in the retail industry, Ms. Grabusnik got started in the hardware business when she, her husband, her sister-in-law, and her brother-in-law purchased the store. As of January 1, 2022, Nancy and son are full owners of the business.

In her role, Nancy is responsible for the sales of hardware, plumbing, electrical, cleaning, automotive, and other supplies. She oversees the daily management and operations of the store, hiring and training the staff, ensuring staff safety, account receivables, account payables, payroll and ordering all inventory.

Nancy has always worked in the customer service field and excels at helping and assisting people with issues. She served in several positions at Avenue LLC and United Retail Inc. for over 18 years. Nancy enjoys interacting with customers at her store, ensuring they have the supplies they need for their community. It is very important to her that all her employees pride themselves on providing superior customer and personal service.

In her spare time, Nancy enjoys cooking, crafting, travel, and spending time with family and friends.

Nancy Grabusnik states, “With every project we have good supplies that come with “G”reat “S”ervice at G&S Hardware and Supply.”

For further information, contact

About P.O.W.E.R. Magazine (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) and
P.O.W.E.R.-Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized is an organization and an online community. P.O.W.E.R. Magazine is a digital and exclusive print magazine featuring celebrities and everyday hardworking professional women. Our mission is to provide a powerful network of women who will mentor, inspire, and empower each other to be the best they can be. Through our valuable services and collaborating with like-minded professionals, our members can potentially gain the recognition and exposure they deserve, as well as obtain knowledge from those who have already achieved success.

P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)
S. K. Koop
Ellen Gold



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