Nearly 25,000 pledges of accomodation made by Irish people for Ukrainian refugees

A TOTAL OF 24,306 pledges for accomodation of Ukrainian refugees have been made by Irish people so far, the latest stats have confirmed. 

Numbers released by the Irish Red Cross said 5,714 of these are vacant homes and 18,322 are shared accomodation.

The IRC hopes to start the rollout of the accomodation next week, starting with individual adults or, for example adult family members who travelled without children

Garda vetting of those who offered shared accommodation will also start next week, so those who came with children can expect to start being matched with hosts soon, according to the IRC.

Speaking today, Taoiseach Micheál Martin said that Ireland was under pressure, due to the arrival of 25,000 Ukrainian refugees in the weeks since the war began.

He said that the Government wanted to accelerate the processing of offers of accommodation for refugees.

He also said that the country was “close” to requiring mass accommodation centres for Ukrainian refugees, with questions asked about the potential use of the Millstreet Arena in Co Cork.

“I think we are close. I think facilities like that will be deployed as numbers continue to come into the country.

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“The situation is very challenging indeed but we have to do everything we possibly can on all fronts to be of assistance and help the people fleeing Ukraine.”

Martin said it was impossible to predict how many refugees might need to be housed in emergency accommodation.

With reporting by PA

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