Negative name: Find out how to resolve improperly negative name

Did you know that a person’s name can be wrongly negated? This type of error is common and can cause a lot of problems for the unlucky one.

The good news is that there is a solution for errors like this. It is possible to remove improperly done negation from the system, but before explaining how to get rid of this problem, understand why this happens and what are the implications of dirty name .

What does improper negation mean?

It occurs when a person’s name is entered incorrectly in one of the credit protection agencies.

It is called undue negation when the individual does not have debts or pending issues for which his name has been denied.

Therefore, the person has the name wrongly denied, without having committed any act that would justify the inscription of the name. Normally, there is no default, so the person whose name was wrongly registered may receive compensation. Although few people know, this type of error is quite common. Many people end up having their names registered with Serasa or the SPC due to a mistake made by the company that sought to register the debt with the credit protection agencies.

Undue denial may also occur in cases where the pending issue has already been settled, or when the debt was renegotiated and it has already been paid.

The name can be negated when a service that has been canceled continues to record charges or when a person suffers a scam such as cloning

credit card.

The negative name can cause a person to have restricted access to banking services such as financing and loans, the same can occur when some credit analysis is performed.

In some cases the person may be prevented from assuming public office due to the negation of the name. This usually occurs for banking careers that deal with finance.

How to regularize the situation?

It can happen that a person has the negative name and not even be notified. This type of situation can be characterized as illegal, the lack of communication or notification can harm the victim of improper denial.

It is possible to consult the name through the platforms of credit protection agencies, such as Serasa or the SPC.

If the victim is found to be inappropriately negative, he may file a lawsuit, the Brazilian Court understands this situation as moral damages.

The negation of the name can create embarrassing and problematic situations for the victim who intends to acquire real estate or assume public positions.

To request compensation, it is necessary to prove the undue negative, this can be done by consulting the websites of credit protection agencies.

Payment receipts, slips and receipts can be used as evidence to support the claim for compensation for moral damages.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at the original source Click Here

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