Netflix: 12 New Series and Movies RELEASED in Romania This Week

Netflix 12 Seriale Filme Noi LANSATE Romania Saptamana Aceasta

Netflix has officially announced the launch of 12 new series and movies in Romania in the last 7 days, and as you can see below, we are talking about very interesting surprises that are coming for all of us now.

Netflix launches constantly movies and series, or new seasons for series, all over the world, but in the last week 12 new ones have been released in our country, they can be seen right now by anyone who is interested in seeing them on the platform now.

Netflix begins the list of important news with the film Munich – The Edge of War, a film that tries to show us the important moments before the beginning of the Second World War. Separately, part 1 of season 4 of Ozark, My Father’s Violin, Summer Heat, That Gir Lay Lay and The Royal Treatment were officially launched by Netflix on the platform for all Romanians in the country.

Netflix delights Romanians with 12 new movies and series

Netflix also says that DOTA’s second book: Dragon’s Blood, The Puppet Master: Hunting the Ultimate Conman, Season 4 of El Margina, or Heavenly Bites: Mexico, are also available. The list ends with Mighty Express: Train Touble, season 3 of Too Hot to Handle and Midnight Asia: Eat – Dance – Dream ends the list, these titles can be seen right now, but they are not the only ones revealed, because we also find out

Netflix is ​​talking about the fact that I Am Georgina will be released on January 27th, the 4th part of Disenchantment will be offered on February 9th, and on the 11th

The Jeen-Yuhs-A Kanye Trilogy will be released on the platform on February 16th, and the second season of Space Force will be released on February 19 for all subscribers in Romania, and not only, so we have another month to wait for this series, but less for others.

Netflix invests billions, over billions, of dollars every year for the creation of movies, series, documentaries, cartoons, for the over 220 million subscribers, and investments will increase te.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the above content. To see the article at original source Click Here

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