Netflix Reboots That ’70s Show As That ’90s Show, Red and Kitty Forman To Return

That ’70s Show depicted what felt like an ancient time when it hit the airwaves in 1998. Now, Netflix is resurrecting the series as That ’90s Show, Variety reports.

Netflix has ordered That ’90s Show for a ten-episode run, and the show will star Kurt Lockwood and Debra Jo Rupp, who played parents Red and Kitty Forman in the original.

The show will be set in 1995 and center on Leia Forman, daughter of Eric (Topher Grace) and Donna (Laura Prepon) from the original series. She’ll be visiting her grandparents for the summer, where she’ll “bond with a new generation of Point Place, WI, kids under the watchful eye of Kitty and the stern glare of Red.”

Like the original, That ’90s Show will be a multi-cam sitcom, and series creators Bonnie and Terry Turner, along with their daughter Lindsey Turner are on to write and produce the show. Gregg Mettler, who wrote and executive produced the original is back as well, and Smith and Rupp will be executive producing.

For all the millennials out there who already have their solar-powered calculators out, here’s the math: When That ’70s Show aired in 1998, it shows Wisconsin in 1976, 22 years earlier. Now, That ’90s Show, most likely airing sometime in 2022–no release date has yet been announced–is depicting 1995, which is 27 years earlier. That’s right. We’re further from That ’90s Show now than we were from That ’70s Show when it first aired.

That ’70s Show helped to launch the careers of Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, Topher Grace, Laura Prepon, and others as it ran for 200 episodes across eight seasons.

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