Netflix Releases “Translator’s Notes” For Komi Can’t Communicate Anime

posted on by Kim Morrissy

Video explains the character name puns

The Netflix Anime YouTube account released a “Translator’s Notes” video last Thursday explaining the Japanese language puns for the following character names featured in the Komi Can’t Communicate anime: Shoko Komi, Hitohito Tadano, Agari Ueno, Ren Yamai, Najimi Osana, and Makeru Yadano.

The anime premiered on TV Tokyo and other channels on October 6 at 12:00 a.m (effectively, October 7). The anime started streaming exclusively on Netflix in Japan on October 7. Netflix debuted the anime outside of Japan on October 21, two weeks after its Japanese premiere, with weekly new episodes. Netflix is streaming the anime in over 190 countries and territories in eight languages dubbed and 31 languages subtitled.

Shortly after the anime’s global debut, fans criticized the English subtitles for not translating parts of Tadano and Komi’s blackboard conversation in episode 1.

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