New Covid variant Deltacron that combines Delta, Omicron, found in Cyprus

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Nicosia, Jan 09: A new strain of Covid-19 Deltacron has emerged in Cyprus, which has a similar genetic background to the Delta variant, as well as some of the mutations from Omicron. However, experts say that the new variant is not something to be worried about at the moment.

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According to ANI, 10 of the mutations from Omicron were found in the 25 samples taken in Cyprus. Eleven of the samples came from people who were hospitalized due to the virus, while 14 came from the general population, reported Jerusalem Post citing Cyprus Mail.

“The frequency of the mutation among hospitalized patients was higher and could point to a correlation between the new variant and hospitalizations,” said Dr. Leondios Kostrikis, the head of the laboratory of biotechnology and molecular virology at the University of Cyprus.

The new variant was not something to worry about at the moment, said Cyprus’s Health Minister Michalis Hadjipandelas on Saturday.

The minister also expressed pride in discovering the new variant. So far, the scientific name of the new variant has not been announced.

Story first published: Monday, January 10, 2022, 0:05

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