New information on the case of Czech death in Colombia. The transport of the body to the Czech Republic is being negotiated

The insurance company and the funeral service deal with the transport of the body of a 25-year-old Czech woman who was shot dead in Colombia two less than a week ago. How the investigation continues, but it is not yet clear. Colombian police are silent

It has been almost two weeks since police found the body of 25-year-old Czech Anna T on a street near the Colombian town of Jardín. However, investigators still did not disclose

So far, they have only revealed that the girl was shot several times and that she came to Colombia a few weeks ago with partner of British nationality. He provided them with some valuable information, but also became one of the main suspects. However, investigators did not rule out that the girl could have been the victim of a robbery. She died near the infamous Medellin

“We have no new relevant information about the progress of the investigation at this time,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Eva David . However, she added that the insurance company had already approved the case. “She has hired a funeral service in Colombia, with which the embassy is in contact and is preparing to repatriate the body to the Czech Republic after the body has been identified,” a spokeswoman added.

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to set a specific date for local conditions when it could occur. However, according to Davidová, the consular service is intensively involved in the case.

More on the case of the death of a Czech woman in a report :

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