New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan’s, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney’s, and More!

Here’s what’s On The Menu at Bennigan’s, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney’s, Sammy’s Sliders, Krystal, Chick-fil-A, Perkins American Food Co., Taco John’s, SAJJ Mediterranean, TooJay’s Deli, BIBIBOP Asian Grill, Tacodeli, PJ’s Coffee, Soulman’s Bar-B-Que, and Lime House Sushi and Ramen.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Bennigan’s Gears Up for a Legendary St. Paddy’s Day Celebration
When every leprechaun’s favorite holiday rolls around, it’s time to party with the return of Bennigan’s beloved Blarney Blast menu, featuring creative cocktails and drink specials.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Ono Hawaiian BBQ Launches New Lava Shrimp & $8 Seafood Aloha Plate Deal
Ono Hawaiian BBQ is saying “Aloha” to a new menu item, Lava shrimp, and bringing back the $8 Seafood Aloha Plates.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Plate for Shoney’s Annual Seafood Fest
With its annual Seafood Fest, Shoney’s will offer a variety of seafood options daily which will culminate with its ENDLESS Seafood Fresh Food Bar every Friday after 4 pm local time, when Shoney’s valued guests can go fishin’ to their stomachs’ content.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Sammy’s Sliders Brings Bold Flavors & Customizable Combos to Fast Casual Dining in 2025
With its chef-driven menu, commitment to innovation, and growing franchise opportunities, Sammy’s is embracing key 2025 industry trends that are shaping the future of dining, including variety-driven menus, niche concepts, and elevated flavors.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Krystal Debuts Crispy Chicken Nuggets and Kids’ Meals
Krystal, the original home of the slider in the South, is serving up more ways to satisfy cravings with the launch of all-new Chicken Nuggets, Kids’ Meals and a fresh lineup of value-packed offerings.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Chick-fil-A Springs Into the Season With New Sweet and Smoky Line-up
The Smokehouse BBQ Bacon Sandwich returns alongside new Pineapple Dragonfruit beverages.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Celebrate Fry-Days With Perkins American Food Co.
Perkins American Food Co., a leading family-dining restaurant brand known for its homestyle meals, is cooking up another reason to celebrate good eats, because Perkins FRY-Day is every day.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Taco John’s Introduces Nacho Taco Bravo, a Craveable New Take On a Classic Favorite
Taco John’s latest limited-time menu item will leave guests seeing double – a big deal and big satisfaction – with TWO of the hearty new Nacho Taco Bravo for just $6.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

SAJJ Announces New Menu: Mediterranean Refresh
Menu update introduces new, high-quality toppings to elevate entrées and add a refreshed take on classic SAJJ favorites, offering guests even more ways to enjoy bold, authentic flavors.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with TooJay’s Classic Irish-Inspired Favorites
Celebrate the luck of the Irish this St. Patrick’s Day with homemade classics at TooJay’s Deli – known for its New York- style deli fare and exceptional catering services.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

BIBIBOP Asian Grill Features Its Clean, Preservative Free and Certified Gluten Free Menu Options During March’s National Nutrition Month, Also Adds New Menu Items
BIBIBOP Asian Grill, the fast-casual restaurant known for its customizable bowls and commitment to flavorful, health-forward and clean eating, is celebrating National Nutrition Month this month with a spotlight on its protein rich, preservative free and certified gluten free menu.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Tacodeli Brings Back Fan-Favorite Tikin Xic Taco, Showcasing the Bold Flavors of the Yucatán
Making its much-anticipated return, the Tikin Xic (pronounced TEE-kihn sheek) reintroduces a fresh take on a regional Mexican staple, blending tradition with Tacodeli’s signature modern twist.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

PJ’s Coffee Welcomes Spring with Flourishing Flavors
New Frosted Strawberry Lemonade debuts alongside returning Honey Brûlée fan-favorites.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Get Ready to Feast! The Boss Hog Returns to Soulman’s Bar-B-Que
Back by popular demand, Soulman’s Bar-B-Que is welcoming the return of the Boss Hog, a hefty sandwich full of hickory-smoked ham, pulled pork, sausage, and bacon piled high on the one and only Original King’s Hawaiian bun, for a limited time.

New Restaurant Menu Offerings from Bennigan's, Ono Hawaiian BBQ, Shoney's, and More!

Lime House Releases Seasonal Menu for Lent
In solidarity with the Christian community, Lime House Restaurant has come up with a special Lent menu for diners of faith.

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  致天下之治者在人才。   党的十八大以来,习近平总书记高度重视人才发展体制机制改革,强调要着力破除体制机制障碍,向用人主体放权,为人才松绑,让人才创新创造活力充分迸发,使各方面人才各得其所、尽展其长。   在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,各地区各部门各单位加大人才工作领域改革创新力度,以政策突破带动体制机制创新,培植好人才成长的沃土,让人才根系更加发达,各方面人才一茬接一茬茁壮成长。   破除体制机制障碍,让人人都有成长成才的通道   “我希望找一个能得到更多支持的地方,量子院更胜一筹。”2019年,常凯在欧洲博士后出站后,抱着在量子科学领域做一番事业的雄心,选择来到北京量子信息科学研究院工作。   常凯是受到了北京市人才政策的吸引。北京近年来按照资格准入、充分放权、服务保障、有效监管的思路,开展市级重点项目自主认定改革,把具体选人用人权交给用人主体,吸引了一大批具备高度国际化水平的干部人才队伍。   体制顺、机制活,则人才聚、事业兴。   党的十八届三中全会对全面深化人才体制机制改革作出重大部署,强调要打破体制壁垒,扫除身份障碍,让人人都有成长成才、脱颖而出的通道,让各类人才都有施展才华的广阔天地。   为推动改革向纵深发展,2016年2月,党中央印发第一个人才发展体制机制改革综合性文件《关于深化人才发展体制机制改革的意见》,以“放权、松绑”为核心,突出“精准、分类”要求,提出一系列务实管用的改革举措。   2017年9月,中央组织部召开深化人才发展体制机制改革经验交流会,进一步推动各地区各部门加大改革创新力度,以政策突破带动体制机制创新。   “向用人主体放权、为人才松绑”是人才发展体制机制改革的核心内容。2013年以来,国务院将减少和规范职业资格许可和认定事项作为推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革的重要内容,先后分7批取消了434项国务院部门设置的职业资格许可和认定事项,削减比例达到原总量的70%以上,持续降低就业创业门槛,激发市场活力和社会创造力,促进创业创新。   用好用活人才,建立更为灵活的人才管理机制   “没想到临近退休拿到了正高级职称,这样的‘加速度’让人感到贴心、暖心、安心。”今年5月,国家重点人才工程入选者周博士通过武汉市特殊人才评价绿色通道拿到了正高级职称,从推荐申报到评审通过仅历时15天。   作为人才发展体制机制改革总体布局的一部分,人力资源社会保障部分系列推进职称制度改革,新增高级职称200万人,其中正高级职称18.8万人,11个首次设置到正高级职称的系列新增正高级职称6.6万人,并将发展态势好、从业规模大的新兴职业纳入职称评价范围。   为进一步推进人才评价机制改革,更好发挥人才评价“指挥棒”作用,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《关于分类推进人才评价机制改革的指导意见》实行分类评价,基础研究人才、应用研究和技术开发人才评价告别“一刀切”;印发《关于深化项目评审、人才评价、机构评估改革的意见》打破唯论文、唯职称、唯学历、唯奖项的人才评价倾向,人才“帽子”不再满天飞。   针对艰苦边远地区和基层一线人才引不进、留不住的问题,中共中央办公厅印发《关于鼓励引导人才向艰苦边远地区和基层一线流动的意见》,通过完善编制管理、职称评审、人才招录等政策,吸引更多人才到脱贫攻坚一线干事创业。   完善人才激励扶持机制,最大限度支持和鼓励人才创新创造,也是引才聚才的重要途径。2016年,中央办公厅、国务院办公厅先后印发《关于进一步完善中央财政科研项目资金管理等政策的若干意见》《关于实行以增加知识价值为导向分配政策的若干意见》等文件,加大人才绩效激励力度,鼓励科研人员多出成果、快出成果、出好成果,推动科技成果加快向现实生产力转化。   从完善人才培养到改进人才评价,从畅通人才流动到激励人才发展……一项项制度举措顺应全面深化改革要求,环环相扣,人才链、创业链、产业链、资金链、政策链相互交织,进一步释放人才活力,激发创新动力。   加快创新步伐,做优做细人才生态环境   “作为集引进人才、保障人才、赋能人才、引领人才等功能于一体的一站式、全周期的综合服务平台,人才之家让人才当主角,为宁波营造更优人才生态。”浙江省宁波市委人才办相关负责人说。   2020年4月以来,宁波市推进人才创业创新全周期“一件事”改革,在人才密集区域打造人才服务综合体――宁波人才之家,已累计服务高层次人才超3.5万人次,办理人才服务事项3000余个。   为优化人才生态环境,各地区加快创新步伐,遵循社会主义市场经济规律和人才成长规律,充分发挥市场在人才资源配置中的决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用。   优良的创业平台,让人才有发展空间。宁夏银川市通过“政府支持、商会主导、企业参与”的商会招商模式,建立联系异地商会机制,通过与20多个省级异地商会、10多个市级异地商会对接联络,为在外企业家回乡投资牵线搭桥。   梧高凤必至,花香蝶自来。在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,人才发展体制机制改革不断向纵深发展,日益壮大的人才大军必将进一步支撑引领党和国家事业发展,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供坚强人才保证和智力支持。 (责编:牛镛、袁勃)
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