New Säpo chief: The threat is greater against Sweden

Foreign powers that spy on Sweden take greater risks and have more tools than before. At the same time, there are still major vulnerabilities in Swedish security protection, which may have been exacerbated by the pandemic.

– There will be a gap here, which is growing, says new security police chief Charlotte von Essen.

Under strecket

Charlotte von Essen tar över som Säpochef den 1 oktober. Tidigare har hon varit biträdande säkerhetspolischef i drygt fyra år.

Charlotte von Essen will take over as Säpo CEO on 1 October. She has previously been Deputy Chief of Security Police for just over four years.

Foreign power has long-term plans for what they want to achieve, says new Säpo boss Charlotte von Essen in an interview with TT.

Photo: Janerik Henriksson / TT

After just over four years as deputy chief of police, Charlotte von Essen can now remove the word “deputy” from her title. The authority Charlotte von Essen will lead from 1 October is facing what is usually called a “broadened” threat picture.

according to Säpo on a more complex situation, where foreign power in addition to interest in military activities also focuses on civilian sectors engaged in research and development, political decision-making, financial systems and our democratic freedoms and rights.

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