New search for Beata: “We wanted to help”


On Thursday, the police stopped actively searching for the missing mother of small children Beata Ratzman, 32.

The intensive search in recent days, including dogs and has not yielded sufficient results.

But that does not stop private individuals from conducting their own search in the hope of finding her or traces.

– We have wanted to help before, but could not, says Catarina Hagman who is the initiator.

She has now been missing for over a week. Now that the police have paused their search, private individuals have taken their own initiative on Saturday afternoon.

– Although I do not know her, I am extremely affected by the incident because I live here, says Catarina Hagman.

At 13.00 they gathered to search for her in the area around Käglinge recreation area. Police have previously searched for Beata in several areas around the Oxie district. Among other things around a golf course, in several forest areas and watercourses.

– We will also search around the recreation area today, so that we can completely exclude it later. It is estimated that we are about 50 people here now, says Catarina Hagman.

All applicants must join together in par.

Photo: Catarina Hagman / Privat

Police work continues

At the same time, intensive investigative work is underway with the police and they still want tips about a silver-colored car of the model Suzuki Vitara.

– The police have invested a lot of resources – it is completely understandable that their search is completed at the moment, says Catarina Hagman.

The police appreciate the searches that private individuals are now doing.

– We from the police are not involved in this search, but we gratefully accept tips. In previous cases, we have benefited from private search efforts, so we are grateful for that, says the police’s spokesperson Evelina Olsson.

Catarina Hagman has no personal relationship with Beata Ratzman, but she says that she has been in contact with her best friend and a friend of Beata’s mother.

– I have read everything that has been written about her and the interviews with her mother and been very touched. I feel that we are now doing this search for pure humanity, she says.

After the afternoon search, several finds were found.

– We’ve found a lot. Among other things, a scarf, a shovel, panties, socks, a pair of gloves, says Catarina Hagman to Aftonbladet.

She tells the newspaper that they will contact the police on Saturday and pass on the findings they made.

Police: “Secured various finds”
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