New Video Of Nigerian Singer Zinoleesky Causes Pan!c Among Fans (WATCH)

A new shocking video of the Nigerian singer, Zinoleesky has recently surfaced on the internet leaving many viewers shocked at the physical state of the artiste.

The video not only caused alarm among fans, but many who have come across the video have raised concerns over the state of the artist.

In the video which has been widely circulated on Instagram and X (Twitter), the singer was spotted in a car promoting his new music, wearing a yellow hoodie and beanie, looking emaciated.

The singer looked significantly older and alarmingly thinner than his previous self, causing fans and non-fans alike to voice out their concern. Many have even attributed his current state to heavy drug use.

Here are some of the comments.

@lind.a17746 You no day eat food nii 😭

@d_e_m_o_l_e_e Why Zino be like this Omo 🤦🏿‍♂️

@__adewale___ Good music dey your mouth my G but this ain’t life fr why you fading bro 🥺

@official_kekerejesu_emmavij @zinoleesky I love you so much but this your look no show as if you get money try to reduce your smoking or try Dey chop wella I swear bro you are not looking good please I want you to be fine for me 🙏

@vidosky25 Please Zino speak out you’re dying in silence why portable come they fine pass you

@fedex_para See U nah Mentor like person wey never chop for like past 4days 😔😂😭

@itz_temmyqueen Boy you look like aboki go and Change your dealer 😂, wait sheeey your mama no dey tell you truth ni that you look lean and unhealthy, you better no let naira spoil your life, nah once we go come this life ooooo , so is better you do your things on your own 😒

Watch the video here;

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