New year: Xi swears the Chinese to long-term goals for the New Year

New Year Xi swears the Chinese to long-term goals for the New Year

As every year, the Chinese President is giving a New Year’s address to the population – this time with a different focus than in previous years.

Der Präsident von China hält eine Rede zu Neujahr und verweist auf die langfristigen Ziele des Landes. Quelle: dpa

Xi Jinping

The President of China makes a New Year’s speech, highlighting the country’s long-term goals.

(Photo: dpa)

Beijing China’s President Xi Jinping has the population in sworn his New Year’s address to the long-term goals of the communist country. “We must always keep a long-term perspective in mind, be aware of potential risks, maintain our strategic direction and determination,” said Xi in a televised speech. On the Taiwan issue, he said people on both sides of the strait longed to complete the reunification of the motherland. Unlike earlier New Year addresses, Xi did not address China’s economic performance. China aims to become a leading nation in the world by 2049 – the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic.

More: China’s industry is robust despite corona outbreaks

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