Newly married Vignesh Shivan sends hearty wishes to his best friend

Vignesh Shivan who recently got married to his long time lover and industry colleague Nayanthara has been on a touring spree to Tirupati and his in laws place in Kerala. The couple are expected to go on their honeymoon to an undisclosed foreign location soon.

Meanwhile Wiki as he is fondly known by fans has sent his hearty wishes to his best friend Nelson Dilipkumar following the title announcement of his new film ‘Jailer’ starring Superstar Rajinikanth. He wrote on Twitter “Vaaa Nanbaaaa Vaaa Nelson Dilpkumar Rajinikanth Thalaivaroddaaa best film ah idhu irukkumm!!! Rock the show with your immense capabilities dearest Nelson with our amazing Anirudh and kudos to Sun Pictures.

‘Jailer’ is set to go on floors in August with Superstar Rajinikanth sharing screen space with Kannada Superstar Shivarajkumar for the first time in their careers. Meanwhile Vignesh Shivan later this year will begin shooting for ‘AK 62’ starring Ajith Kumar produced by Lyca Productions with music by Anirudh.

— Vignesh Shivan (@VigneshShivN) June 17, 2022

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