Newsletters: I have a picture for you! 3 October – 10 October 2021

The First Thing newsletter’s Ever-lasting Subscriber Photo Gallery.

Want to send us your photos?  You need to be a First Thing Subscriber.When you’re subscribed and ready, there’ll be a link to submit your own pics in the Picture of the Day section.

Guidelines: we try to be as inclusive as possible when publishing your fantastic photos. However, if you can, please try orient your camera horizontally (‘landscape’ format) and please, please, try send us as high resolution a photo as possible.

NOTE: We limit our weekly entries to maximum 20. If you’re picture’s not published, please keeping sending them in!

First Thing’s John Stupart is very much a dog person, but we encourage all wildlife and animal-related pictures.

Are you an amateur or professional photographer? While we don’t have money for your pics, if you have a portfolio link or options for prints, let us know when you submit your pic and we’ll do our best to include it.

Note: By submitting a photo you acknowledge that you have given us permission to publish them on this site and in this format. You still hold all rights to your work. If you would like to re-use, print, or otherwise use our subscribers’ photos, contact us and we’ll put you in touch with the original photographers.


Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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