Nick Cannon Wears Crocs and a Bathrobe on the 2021 BET Hip Hop Awards Red Carpet

Nick Cannon was Wild ‘N Out on the 2021 BET Hip Hop Awards red carpet, where he wore Crocs, a bathrobe and other mismatching items.

Nick Cannon Wears Crocs & Bathrobe to 2021 BET Hip Hop Awards

Nick Cannon certainly made a fashion statement on the 2021 BET Hip Hop Awards red carpet. What the statement is, however, isn’t entirely clear.

The Wild ‘N Out star pulled up to the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center on Friday, Oct. 1 in what appeared to be golden armor, boxers and a bathrobe. He accessorized the look with festive socks, mismatching Crocs and a gold bowl, which covered his red locs. 

Cannon’s ensemble definitely caught the eyes of other attendees, especially after he posed laying on his side for the cameras. 

But, according to the actor’s Instagram, that’s not actually him on the red carpet. “Y’all gonna stop playing with me!! This is not me!!!” the Masked Singer host captioned a red carpet pic. “I’m busy working on my brand new hit Talk Show in Harlem!!! When would I have time to go all the way to Atlanta for the hip hop awards dressed in my drawlz?!!!

Turns out the Croc-wearing attendee was Murda Count, a.k.a. Count Crackula, a.k.a. Cannon’s new alter ego.

The father of seven tagged the Instagram account for Murda Count Harlem, where he’s teasing his upcoming single “Countin Crack.”

Derek White/WireImage

The Drumline actor previously dressed up as Murda at the 2021 MTV Video Music Awards. He walked the carpet in a similar vest and sweatpants, which he paired with bedazzled Timberland boots.

At the time, he joked on Instagram that he didn’t even go to the award show. “Usually I don’t address this social media gossip but after my name was trending WORLDWIDE again for something I didn’t do, I have to say y’all trippin on this on!” he wrote. “I have a brand new Talk show coming out September 27th! Why would I go to the VMA’s like this!? I heard this some corny new rapper named @MurdaCountHarlem I see no resemblance #respectfully.”

If this was a publicity stunt to drum up excitement for Cannon’s show and single, we’d say it’s working pretty well.

Watch a brand new episode of Nightly Pop Monday through Thursday at 11:30 p.m., only on E!

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