Nicole Neumann's hostile gesture when meeting Mica Viciconte at an event

Last weekend, Nicole Neumann and Fabián Cubero celebrated the first communion of their daughter Allegra . Both the model and the former player were accompanied by their respective partners. However, what seemed to be a celebration that deserved to put aside old grudges, turned into a new scandal .

After posting a forceful discharge on his social networks, Mica Viciconte spoke with Intruders and told details of how the meeting with the model was during family celebrations. Surprised by certain attitudes and statements of Nicle, decided to make it clear what she thinks about it.

“If it was tense or not, I reserve it to take care of the minors” , he began by saying. “My discharge was due to the attacks I received. I don’t know what she is like, but I can tell you how I am” , He added about his current relationship with the model. “My discharge and I think it was clear. It says a lot and shows a reality that is not. That breaks my balls …” , added spicy.

“The abuse returns and there comes a point where a limit is crossed. I have been in a relationship for four years and never nothing happened, don’t get me dirty anymore “. Later, the intruders notary told him that Nicole had assured that he would not have coffee with her. “She has my phone, she can write anything to me. I fix things indoors, I don’t know why she says that, but I’m not freaking out mird … her answer he was not very friendly “. Finally, he confessed that he tried to greet her at the party. “I saw her, I threw her fist and she put the fist in her pocket” , he assured.


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