Nicușor Dan asks Marcel Ciolacu and Gabriela Firea to delimit themselves from the strike at STB. PSD: Don't look for illusory culprits

The mayor general of the capital, Nicusor Dan, asked the prosecutor’s office on Friday to speed up the measures against the people who organized the STB strike and asked the PSD to announce if it supports “an illegal strike” or if it is delimited by the trade union leader Vasile Petrariu, who obtained a mandate as a municipal councilor on the PSD lists.

In a press conference held at the PMB headquarters, The mayor mentioned that there was, on Friday afternoon, an “attempt” of dialogue between the management of the Bucharest Transport Company and the representative union, but specified that the latter does not present the “real claims” previously stated by the employees, such as the need for spare parts. change, maintenance of vehicles, comfort of drivers and injuries at the end of the lines.

The Bucharest Court declared this strike illegal. Meanwhile, the court ruling was drafted, which explicitly states, in black and white, that this is a strike organized by the majority union in STB. We are no longer in the hypothesis of a spontaneous strike, we are in the hypothesis of an illegal strike organized by the representative union. I request the Prosecutor’s Office to urgently take measures against the persons and especially Mr. Petrariu, who organized this illegal act, with serious consequences for the smooth running of the activity in Bucharest “, declared Nicuşor Dan.

At the same time, the mayor asked the PSD to announce if it supports “an illegal strike” or if it is delimited by the union leader Vasile Petrariu, who obtained a mandate of municipal councilor on the lists of the Social Democratic Party.

„I ask PSD and Gabriela Firea and Marcel Ciolacu it rules: either it supports an illegal strike, or it delimits and withdraws the political support of an elected councilor on the PSD lists. I appeal to reason to drivers and vatmani: we have two enforceable judgments, we are in a state of law where enforceable judgments are enforced, whoever does not execute them commits an illegality, said Nicușor Dan .

The mayor stated that, Although he invited representatives appointed by workers from each bus and depot to the PMB, union leaders came to the talks. He added that he did not want to talk to the representatives of a union “who took a whole category of people to a criminal area” and that he proposed that the general director of STB, Adrian Criţ, carry out the negotiations.

“I invited representatives appointed by the workers from each bus base and depot to the discussions, I have said several times that I am talking to the representatives of a union who have taken a whole category of people to a criminal area, I want to talk to people who express the real problems that public transport workers face. At this meeting at 6.00 am I was informed that representatives of the representative union had come. I then called Mr. Crit, the general manager of STB, and suggested that he have that discussion, which is logical and legal for the representatives of the union and the representatives of the transport company to have. This discussion lasted five minutes because there were practically no other requests than the resignation of Mr. Crit, which is a childish gesture “, added Nicușor Dan.

Mr. Dan mentioned that there are many problems with public transportation.

“There are a lot of problems in public transport. Solving them requires a dialogue, a schedule of actions and, above all, a lot of money. We managed to financially balance this company that we found bankrupt ”, also stated Nicuşor Dan.

The leader of the STB trade unionists, Vasile Petrariu, announced on Friday, a failure of the talks with the general manager and the management of the company. According to him, Nicușor Dan refused the dialogue and did not sit at the table for even a minute. “He never intended to resolve the conflict,” Petrariu said, adding that the situation was still unclear.

On Friday, at noon, the magistrates of the Bucharest Tribunal also decided that the strike is illegal . The decision is enforceable, so employees should return to work. Otherwise, they risk criminal sanctions. PSD: No Dan must come up with solutions to crises which he provoked, not to find illusory culprits

PSD sent on Friday that the general mayor of the Capital, Nicuşor Dan, must come up with solutions to the crises “that he provoked”, “not to find illusory culprits in order to save the skin “.

” PSD summons the general mayor of the Capital, Nicuşor Dan, to solve the serious problems caused to the inhabitants of Bucharest even by his own incompetence and to stop throwing the culprits to the left and to the right. He is the mayor and has a majority in the General Council. serious crisis in Bucharest, both the crisis of the district heating system and the labor conflict at the Bucharest Transport Company “, it is shown in a press release.

According to PSD, such problems not only affect “seriously”, but “even endanger the lives of Bucharest residents” and are not resolved “by sterile disputes, but by decisions

“This is what the people of Bucharest expect from the mayor general, not to give orders to the political parties that are in opposition at the level of the General Council. The only party he can give orders to is USR – the party he founded and which is complicit in all the disaster he has created in the Capital. At the same time, instead of provoking political disputes, Nicusor Dan should be more concerned with what he will answer to the people of Bucharest and, more recently, to the prosecutors, for all the aberrant or illegal decisions he has taken as mayor general “, it is said in the communiqué.

de Munte, as commented by the request addressed to PSD by Nicusor Dan to announce whether he supports the STB strike or withdraws the political support of the union leader who organized this strike, Marcel Ciolacu stated: withdraw. My opinion is that there is another possibility – either Mr. Nicusor Dan goes home. “

In a press conference held at the STB headquarters, Nicuşor Dan stated that the STB strike is organized by the president of the Bucharest Transporters’ Union, Vasile Petrariu, who won a mandate of municipal councilor on the PSD list.

“I urge the Social Democratic Party to rule, because we have a strike that paralyzes Bucharest also affects hundreds of thousands of Bucharest residents, organized by a PSD general councilor. Yes, a man who won his seat on the Social Democratic Party list, and then I ask the Social Democratic Party to decide on one of two options: either support this demonstration that paralyzes the city, or withdraw the political support of Mr. Petrariu, who organized this “Strike”, said Nicusor Dan.


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