Nigeria Labour Union, Ogun Residents Protest On Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway

Some members of the Nigeria Labour Congress and residents of Ogun State have blocked the Sango Ota section of the Lagos—Abeokuta Expressway in protest against the deplorable condition of the road.

According to witnesses, the protesters blocked the Sango-Ota road in the Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of the state from Joju Bus-Stop to the Garage area of the area.

The protesters demanded that the federal and state governments should find a lasting solution to the deplorable state of the road, Punch reports.

The protesters carried placards with various inscriptions such as “Repair our road with immediate effect or face the wrath of the masses; “400% hike in transport fare due to bad road”; “Our roads are death traps fix our roads”; “No good roads, No payment of tax”; “Our taxes are meant for fixing road so what happened”; and “Industries in Ota are relocating and closing down due to bad roads”.

The state NLC chairman, Emmanuel Bankole, stated that the union decided to protest to show its displeasure over the continued non-challant attitude of the government after the visit of the Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, to the road and did not do anything about the road.

The protesters, however, threatened to shut down Ogun State if construction of the road did not start in 21 days.

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