Nigerian pastor murdered in machete attack was known for Christian charity, working to promote peace with Muslims

A Muslim mob in Kano State, northern Nigeria, killed a church leader and burned down his home, church and Christian school to avenge the murder of a woman allegedly committed by a young man who falsely believes himself to be a Christian convert, according to reports.

Reverend Yohanna Shuaibu of New Life Church, who was president of the Christian Association from Nigeria in the Sumaila local government area and living in the village of Massu, succumbed to multiple machete wounds last Friday, reported Morning Star News .

“The Muslims felt that the young man who killed the woman in a fight is a Christian and probably attacked the pastor because it was through Pastor Shuaibu’s ministry that many Muslims have converted to the Christian faith,” Hosle Tongnan Michael, a friend and classmate of Shuaibu’s, was quoted as saying.

Shuaibu helped raise funds for the school where the local children study and ok? also for wells for Christian communities that have been denied access to government-provided water sources, according to the British group Christian Solidarity Worldwide , who said the pastor also repaired a broken water source at a local mosque in an attempt to promote peace and unity.

The pastor was attacked two days after he the young man who had left Islam murdered his sister-in-law by hitting her with a piston, CSW said, adding that the man later turned himself in. Shuaibu, however, was advised to leave the area because the Muslims in the area believed the suspect had converted to Christianity because he stopped going to the mosque.

At night Prior to the attack, the pastor took refuge in the neighboring village of Biri and returned to Massu to evacuate students from his school, Michael said. “Pastor Shuaibu believed that the tension generated by the terrible incident and thought he could stay with his family and other people in Massu. However, the Muslims gathered their mob and descended on him, severely cut him with machetes and set fire to his house, church and school.”

In separate attacks on the Tuesday night, four other Christians, including a Catholic priest, were murdered by Fulani militants, reported the agency monitoring the persecution , International Christian Concern .

At around 6:50 pm Nigeria time, three people on a motorcycle were … on their way from Jebbu Miango to the community of Miango (Plateau state) ), when Fulani terrorists ambushed and attacked them,” Davidson Malison, national spokesman for the Irigwe Development Association, was quoted as saying. “Their motorcycle was also reduced to ashes by the terrorists. Two died instantly and one suffered gunshot wounds. ”

The survivor told the ICC: “The attackers came with weapons shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (Allah is the greatest). I didn’t do anything to them – the [militantes Fulani] wanted to kill me because I’m a Christian. My friends and our catechist were killed because they were Christians.”

Malison added: “In a separate attack on the same Tuesday night, two people were killed while working in his farm in the community of Nzhwerenvi in ​​Jebbu Miango.”

The Global Terrorism Index ranks Nigeria as the third most affected country by terrorism in the world. He reports that, from 2001 to 2019, more than 22,000 people were killed by acts of terror.

Mark Jacob, a Nigerian lawyer and former attorney general for the state of Kaduna, said last month that “selected murders of Christians, particularly in the ‘

region Middle Belt’ of Nigeria” were happening, and he “participated in several mass burials ”Of Christians.

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