Nine things we bought last month

Wishlist is the monthly column in which we talk about editors’ personal online purchases, and we suggest objects that we have tried ourselves, with which we are satisfied to the point of recommending them. Before these objects arrived in the editorial office. Since normality is partially suspended, they arrive directly in our homes.

A shopping trolley, serious
An editor who tends to make infrequent but substantial expenses and for this reason uses trolleys with great satisfaction, she was looking for a “serious”, robust one, which could withstand the weight and was able to face the pitfalls of any surface: from Milanese pavé, to cobblestones, to grassy stretches: everything. He found this one by Gimi , which he defines as “the must of thirty years” . “Look at the wheels,” he comments with satisfaction: “it goes everywhere.” It costs 50 euros , on Amazon.

(the post)

A toilet lid, cushioned
The director, on his purchase of the month: “You know when in the summer you go on vacation, travel, discover things, and then come back and make resolutions to learn that language, to leave soon, to cultivate new interests, to imitate ideas that have been seen? Here, I was a guest in a house that had the cushioned toilet lid , and I had already been admired for some time and envious of it, and then returning I invested in this potential transformation for the better of life: no more annoying flapping of lids and tablets out of hand, no more fingers that retract in horror from the porcelain, and a hypnotic relaxing effect, like watching the cement mixer unload the concrete. Traveling opens up new horizons. Assembled by itself, in five minutes (I came from the assembly of the Ikea storage bed, same concept on a larger scale), for now it works properly “.
The lid that gives all this satisfaction is by Cosondo, and costs 44 euros, on Amazon .

One tablet holder, flexible
To make her work-from-home station a little more efficient, an editor bought a flexible arm holder for your tablet . It allows you to easily adjust its position and height and use it without having to hold it with your hands. It costs 25 euros, on Amazon .

(the post)

A smart socket
Explains the developer of the Post, who bought it: «The socket connects to the wifi network and if configured with Alexa or Google it allows you to turn on or off what you connect to the socket, in fact. In my case it was used to access the bedside lights. To be precise: I needed it to ensure that the bedside lights turn on and the alarm goes off in the morning at 7 from Monday to Friday. ” The outlet costs 10 euros, on Amazon .

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A backpack for the computer but also for a couple of other things
The developer of the Post, also him, lives in Rome, and lately he has found himself making a few times back and forth from Rome to Milan. So he was looking for a backpack that would allow him to carry a computer, yes, but also what he needed to spend a day and a night away. He found this one from Matein , of which he is said to be very satisfied for now. Costs 33 euros, on Amazon .

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Bike lights that do not drain
To make life easier for her partner who uses USB charging lights but forgets often to reload them, an editor bought for her this bike light set .
They are lights that never run out: they work by induction thanks to magnets fixed on the spokes of the wheel, which pass close to the bulbs at every turn, generating a small electric current that makes them turn on.
The editor explains: «I am prodot te from the Danish company Reelight and are among the smallest and least powerful in their catalog: not suitable for lighting the road, but excellent for making themselves more visible to other vehicles. They flash, and continue to flash for a couple of minutes more when you stop. They have the defect of having to be mounted low on the frame, at the height of the wheel hubs (but they are easily mounted, at home) and it is therefore better to consider them as additional lights to those that normally are positioned under the saddle and on the handlebar (which are more visible). If, however, you happen to find yourself one evening with the batteries of the lights flat, with these you will be sure of being able to go home safely ». They cost 35 euros .

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A wallet
After the collapse of the previous portfolio , an editor was looking for a new one that was cheap, small and thin, but behold: not too small. Found a good offer on this model : it is in leather, it is light and has all the necessary compartments. Costs 17 euros .

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A basket
An editor bought this basket (which is plastic but “rattan effect”) for tidy and aesthetically pleasing storage the covers that he uses in the evening on the sofa in these first slightly cold evenings. It costs 20 euro , on the Ikea website.

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A pumpkin pillow
Since autumn has arrived, and since she found it on offer, an editor felt empowered to buy the decorative pumpkin she wanted. Or rather: a decorative pillow in the shape of a pumpkin. A decorative pumpkin pillow? In short, you understand. It is no longer on offer but is still found on the Westwing website, at 42 euros .

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If you want more, here you will find all the lists of the items we have bought in the past months .

Disclaimer: with some of the sites linked in the section Consumerism il Post has an affiliation and gets a small share of the revenue, with no price changes. But you can also google for the same things. If you want to know more of these links instead, here is a long explanation .

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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