Nintendo denies it supplied developers with tools for a 4K Switch

A Bloomberg report claims that Nintendo provided at least 11 developers with a toolkit to create games for the Switch that support 4K graphics. Shortly after it was published, though, the gaming giant has issued a statement firmly denying that it’s supplying tools to drive the development of titles for a 4K console. “his report is not true,” the company tweeted. Further, it reiterated that it has no plans for a new Switch model other than the OLED variant that’s coming out on October 8th. 

Bloomberg said Nintendo had already handed out 4K toolkits and had already asked developers to create games with 4K resolution by the time it announced the OLED model. The publication also said that the 11 companies it talked to are made up of large publishers and small studios, including Zynga.

Nintendo’s upcoming OLED Switch doesn’t support 4K graphics, though its screen does offer better colors and contrast than its predecessors. In the past, Bloomberg reported that the company was working on a Switch with OLED screen and an NVIDIA chip that would enable it to generate 4K graphics when connected to a TV. A source told the publication, however, that Nintendo struggled with component shortages due to the COVID-19 pandemic and had to drop its 4K plans. 

Releasing a 4K Switch seems like the logical next step for Nintendo to take, seeing as its competitors already have consoles that support the resolution. Based on the company’s statement, though, that won’t be happening anytime soon. 

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