Nirvana reveals amendment in a lawsuit by a baby in Nevermind


Photo: GETTY

Nirvana is a “commercial proceeding” by Spencer Elden, who appears in the album jacket of “Nevermind”. It has been revealed that the proceedings have been amended after the proceedings that had been sued in child pornography for “sexual exploitation of children” were dismissed.

30-year-old Spencer Elden is suing the Nirvana camp last August for a photo of an infant trying to grab a $ 1 bill at a swimming pool. The complaint alleged that Spencer Elden’s parents had not signed a contract permitting commercial use, violated state child pornography laws, and suffered “lifelong damage.”

The proceedings have been revealed to have been dismissed in a district court in California. Spencer Elden’s trial team had to refute the request for Nirvana’s dismissal by December 30, but said it missed the deadline.

Next time I had to come up with a revision by January 13th, but according to Pitchfork, the Spencer Elden camp will be on January 12th. He has submitted an amendment, stating that he “benefited from what he should know to be equivalent to the sex trading industry.”

The proposed amendment is to use child pornography, where Kirk Weddle and the record label, who shot the album jacket, “intentionally shot Spencer Elden in a commercial way. So, he made at least hundreds of billions of yen by promoting Nirvana’s albums, music and bands by taking advantage of the sloppy nature of photography. ”

Spencer Elden’s lawyer said in a press release that the proposed amendment contained new “images and materials” and “sexually photographed Spencer’s genitals lewdly.” It shows that he intentionally chose to use the photos commercially. ”

Last month, Nirvana’s agent said in a statement that it was prescription and “not serious.” These proceedings apply within 10 years of knowing that he was used on an album cover, denying the theory that he knew it in the last 10 years.

“But the photo of the album cover of’Nevermind’was taken in 1991,” the statement said. “It became world-famous in 1992. As Spencer Elden claims, long before 2011 he knew the existence of photography and knew that the baby was himself. He knew for decades both “violations” and “injuries”. “

Spencer Elden continued on the album. It also mentions scenes that seem to be accepting jackets. “Spencer Elden has benefited from his fame for 30 years as a self-proclaimed’Nirvana Baby'”

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