NJ/NY Gotham FC signs Ellie Jean from PSV Eindhoven

NWSL side NJ/NY Gotham FC have announced the signing of defender Ellie Jean from Women’s Eredivisie side PSV Eindhoven.

She is set to join on a one-year contract with a one-year option. The former Penn State University star will begin her NWSL career with Gotham FC.

“Ellie Jean is a player I’ve admired since her time at Penn State and someone I’ve kept tabs on from afar,” remarked Head Coach Scott Parkinson. 

“I hoped she was going to enter the draft after her 2019 season, but she opted to go to PSV. Since then, she’s gained invaluable experience playing in The Champions League and against some of the best talent in Europe.

“With her game intelligence and bravery at full-back, Ellie suits our club perfectly. And not only that, she is an amazing human who is from Connecticut, so she will be playing for her NWSL club. Ellie is a great addition to our team!”

Jean enjoyed a successful collegiate career at Penn State before heading abroad. The 24-year-old defender most recently appeared in 22 Women’s Eredivisie matches and four UEFA Women’s Champions League games for PSV Eindhoven.

— NJ/NY Gotham FC (@GothamFC) January 31, 2022

She has also frequently featured for the United States Women’s National Team at the U-23, U-20, and U-18 levels.

 “I’m super excited to join this club,” said Jean.

“I think this program and team are focused on doing great things on and off the field which something I also strive to do. It’s an honor to represent one of my favorite cities in the entire world. I really look forward to doing all I can to positively impact the team and represent how amazing NJ/NY is. Let’s go!”

Gotham FC is set to kick off the 2022 season on Saturday, March 19, with group play for the NWSL Challenge Cup. The Cup will feature three groups of four teams, playing double round-robin matches, semifinals and the NWSL Challenge Cup Final on Saturday, May 7.

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