No chance for opposition parties in Kogi election — APC

Ahead of the November 11 governorship election in Kogi State, the All Progressives Congress in the state has restated its confidence to secure a landslide victory, asserting that opposition parties stand no chance.

The party disclosed this in Ochadamu, Ofu Local Government Area of the state, during its ward sensitisation meeting Friday.

The Chief Press Secretary of the state governor, Onogwu Muhammed, in a statement shared on his social media handle on Saturday, highlighted the achievements of Governor Yahaya Bello’s administration, stressing that these accomplishments are more than sufficient to secure another gubernatorial victory for the APC.

He said, “Our party has a stellar track record in Ochadamu ward, and the upcoming election will be no different. Even those who previously stood in opposition to us have now chosen to join our ranks. We are committed to expanding the margin of victory between the APC and the runner-up in the forthcoming election. With our strong presence in the 3,508 polling units and 239 wards across the state, the odds are decidedly in our favor.


“We proudly count three Senators, six out of nine House of Representatives members, and 24 out of 25 House of Assembly members among our ranks. Given the remarkable performance of the current administration, which has endeared our party to the people, it is all but certain that we will secure a resounding victory on November 11.”

It added that a former leader of the People’s Democratic Party from the area, Odu Akowe, defected to the APC.

He expressed confidence that this shift would substantially bolster the APC’s electoral prospects.

Akowe implored the people to unite in support, stressing the significance of having Joel from Ofu Local Government area as a compelling reason to deliver the APC a victory with a substantial margin.

“We were once on the other side of the aisle, but today, we have wholeheartedly joined your ranks. Together, we will achieve an extraordinary victory on November 11. Ododo and Joel hold special significance for the people of Ofu, and we are unwavering in our commitment to ensuring the party’s triumph,” he said.

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