No reparation for the unjust detention for Contrada

11 January 2022 – 18:38

The anger of the lawyers of the former number three of the Sisde, who announce that they want each other again appeal to European regulations

Nessuna riparazione per l'ingiusta detenzione per Contrada

The Palermo Court of Appeal has decided to reject the application for “reparation for unjust detention” submitted by the lawyers of Bruno Contrada

A conviction that last 2017 was declared “unenforceable and unproductive of criminal effects” by the Court of Cassation, which was inspired by a previous sentence of the European Court of Human Rights . The judges of this assembly had then branded the crime ascribed to Contrada as vague and contradictory, as it was not well defined from a legal point of view in the years in which the former number three of the Sisde had committed the contested conduct. For this reason, the Contrada lawyers had forwarded a first request for compensation, which was rejected by the Supreme Court. Now, in the postponement, another no has come to the request.

The next moves

The ermines, in January 2021 of compensation.

part “, reveal to the AdnKronos the lawyer Stefano Giordano.

“We will formulate all our deductions regarding the misrule of criminal law and international instruments in the appeal for Cassation which will be ritually deposited in the next few days “, then announces the Contrada lawyer. “I can say that the order filed today violates the judgment of the European Court twice, on which the internal judge has no margin of discretion regarding its execution “, again points out Giordano.

According to the lawyer of the former number three of the Sisde, absent in court for health reasons, “pursuant to article 46 of the ECHR, the judge internal has evaded the obligation to execute the European judgments which declared the illegitimacy of the trial held against Bruno Contrada and the presence of inhuman and degrading treatment in the illegitimate detention of my client “.

In addition to an appeal to the Supreme Court, therefore, the team of lawyers who assist the former senior official will present an articulated dossier to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, given that “for the umpteenth v olta, not only does the Italian State commit very serious violations to the detriment of its citizens, but it reiterates said violations by refusing to execute the European judgment and causing serious problems of incompatibility between Italian jurisprudence and European legislation “.

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