No, the Paris town hall has not installed an obscene slide in a school

FAKE NEWS – Unlike what Internet users assure this Friday, this saucy installation has not appeared in a Parisian school. This is a production for a Canadian film.

Felicia Sideris –

It was easy to get indignant , as the image is indecent. The photo of a slide, very clearly referring to two sexual organs, made the rounds of social networks this Friday, October 8. According to some people who share it, it would be an installation in a school in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. This is completely false.

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The info sifted through

A “troll” taken seriously

The original post is all about a joke. An account that has fun commenting on the news in a quirky way published this photo this Thursday evening by parodying outrage. He said he was surprised by these “new games in the school of girl “, and called on the Paris town hall . Not on the phallic installation, but on “sawdust on the ground” . Proof that the publication was very humorous.

Despite everything, the words of this “troll” were taken at face value. massively this morning on social networks. hashtag #SaccageParis

– which abounds in particular on Twitter to denounce the filth of the capital – Internet users are rising up. “Say -me that it is not true “, writes an account “Christian sovereignist” followed by 14,200 people. “Am I obsessed or just observant? This” toboggan “represents coitus is obscene” , outbid a journalist. Read also

However, the humorous tone of the original author of the tweet should have given rise to doubt. Just like the large trees that surround this park, making it hard to believe that we are in the middle of Paris. And in fact, a quick reverse search on Google images reveals that this facility does not exist at all in the capital. And is even completely fake.

We learn through some Press articles posted this week that the toboggan made its appearance in Fletcher Park in Maple Ridge, Canada! This is a temporary installation set up for a film by Canadian actor and producer Seth Rogen, used to humorous formats.

A park in the Vancouver region has therefore been the subject of a extreme transformation, but for purely cinematographic purposes.

Do you want to ask us questions or submit information that does not seem reliable to you? Do not hesitate to write to us at You can also find us on Twitter: our team is there behind the account @ verif_TF1LCI.

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