No Time To Die continues strong start at the box office

No Time To Die continued its strong start at the box office as it grossed more than £25 million over its opening weekend in the UK and Ireland.

Daniel Craig’s fifth and final outing as James Bond achieved the highest-ever three-day domestic opening in the franchise’s 60-year history, producers said, and the sixth biggest ever.

No Time To Die is already the biggest film release of the pandemic in the UK and Ireland after only four days, Universal Pictures said.

And the movie, which also stars Rami Malek, Lashana Lynch and Ana de Armas, has achieved similar blockbuster success internationally.

It grossed 121 million dollars (£89 million) from 54 markets, the distributor said.

That makes it the first film from a Hollywood studio to breach the 100 million dollar barrier without counting China among its opening markets.

The £25.8 million No Time To Die earned in the UK and Ireland made it more successful than Skyfall and Spectre, Craig’s previous Bond outings.

Spectre (2015) grossed over 880 million dollars (£646 million) worldwide while Skyfall (2012) earned more than a billion dollars (£735 million).

No Time To Die launches in North America on Friday.

Its success is a much-needed boost for the cinema industry which has been battered by the pandemic.

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