Nobel Prize in Physics went to three scientists for studies on climate change and complex physical systems

Los co-ganadores del Premio Nobel de Física 2021, Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann y Giorgio Parisi, presentados por Goran K. Hansson (C), Secretario General de la Real Academia Sueca de Ciencias, y miembros del Comité Nobel de Física Thors Hans Hansson (I), y John Wettlaufer (D), en la Real Academia Sueca de Ciencias en Estocolmo, el 5 de setiembre, en Suecia. Foto: Jonathan Nackstrand, AFP

The co-winners of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi, presented by Goran K. Hansson (C), Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and members of the Nobel Committee for Physics Thors Hans Hansson (I), and John Wettlaufer (D), at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, on September 5, in Sweden. Photo: Jonathan Nackstrand, AFP

The American Syukuro Manabe and the German Klaus Hasselmann share one half of the prize for their contributions to climate research, and the Italian Giorgio Parisi received the other half for his developments in the interaction theory of disorder.

The days of the Nobel prizes continue and this Tuesday it was the turn to recognize the most important advances in Physics. The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences decided that this year the American Syukuro Manabe and the German Klaus Hasselmann would share one half of the prize, for their studies on the climate, and the other half would go to the Italian Giorgio Parisi, for their “revolutionary contributions” to the theory of complex systems.

“The discoveries that are being recognized this year demonstrate that our knowledge of the climate rests on a solid scientific basis, based on an analysis …

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