Noble ready to sell a new set of debentures, raising interest at 4.60%

On 17 Jan 2022 at 20:37

Noble ready to sell a new set of debentures, raise interest. 4.60% Available for sale 25-27 January 2022

Mr. Attawit Chalerm Resources Director and Chief Financial Officer Noble Development Public Company Limited (NOBLE) revealed that after NOBLE submitted a registration statement to request permission and offer for sale of new bonds to the SEC. In December, NOBLE has already received permission to offer debentures from the SEC Office. by issuing and offering debentures to general investors and institutional investors, age 3 years, interest rate 4.60% per annum, pay interest every 3 months, minimum subscription 100,000 baht and multiply every 100,000 baht, offered between 25-27 January 2022 for the purpose of issuing debentures this time to expand investment and develop new projects by increasing the proportion of investment in the horizontal line, including investment in joint venture companies The Company and the debentures issued this time Received a credit rating from TRIS Rating Co., Ltd. on January 7, 2022 at the level of “BBB” with a “stable” outlook. Increasing the credit rating from “BBB-” to “BBB” as well

In 2022, NOBLE has been preparing for a market recovery. By preparing to launch a total of 18 new projects with a total project value of approximately 47,400 million baht, which the company has set a goal to increase the proportion of development of low-rise projects. including adding more low rise condominium projects in the portfolio To expand the portfolio to have products that can support a variety of customer groups and covering more locations

Financial institutions underwriters added that We are confident that NOBLE bonds will be well received by investors. which after the company has filed a registration statement for the offering of debentures to the SEC Office, many interested investors have inquired. The factors that make investors respond well to NOBLE’s bonds are from the reputation of the company who have never had a history of defaulting on debt payments before Company housing project It is a well-known project and has been accepted by both local and international residents, demonstrating its leadership in Thailand’s leading real estate development business group. has also been rated credit at BBB level, credit outlook Stable, which these are important factors supporting investors in investing in the company’s bonds

for investors who want More information about NOBLE’s debenture offering can be found at or

Note : This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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