North Korea conducted its third missile test this year

US imposes sanctions on six on Tuesday

CT | January 14, 2022 at 08:51


(North) Korea is expected to conduct a new missile test today, the third in two weeks, just hours after sharply criticizing the U.S. for imposing new sanctions over previous tests.

Severna Koreja je izvedla tri poskuse v 14 dneh letošnjega leta. Foto: EPA
North Korea conducted three experiments in 14 days this year. Photo: EPA

According to the Japanese Coast Guard, it could be a ballistic missile, and in Seoul it was stated that it was for an “indefinite missile” that flew east. They are still checking whether there were possibly more rockets and where they fell,

This is the third attempt since the new year. The first two rockets were hypersonic according to North Korean media .

North Korea is defending the experiments as a legitimate right of self-defense, and the United States is accused of deliberately escalating the situation by imposing new sanctions, North Korean state media reported before the experiment. The North Korean Foreign Ministry insists that the development of a new type of weapon is part of efforts to modernize defense, and that it is not directed against any country.

The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on six North Koreans, one Russian citizen and a Russian company, and called for action by the United Nations Security Council against five individuals.

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