Northug is betting on long distance running: – Only an exerciser

ACTIVE: Petter Northug before the start of the 55 km classic joint start earlier this year. Photo: Martin Riseth / Riseth Sport Media / NTB Photo: Martin Riseth / Riseth Sport Media

LILLEHAMMER (VG) Petter Northug (35) is looking forward to his imprisonment and does not want to talk about his time in a drug institution. Now the “exerciser” is training for some of the world’s heaviest long runs.


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– It’s brutal, says Petter Northug about Saturday’s challenge.

VG meets the cross-country legend at the bottom of Lysgårdsbakkene in Lillehammer. Usually jumpers float down the former Olympic hill. On Saturday, Northug will run an uphill race of 400 meters up the steep hill.

– It is a good training session, when it’s as tough as it is. It is also a relief from roller skiing, which I use in my training, says the 35-year-old, who is happy to finally be able to stand close to competitors on the starting line again.

It was in December last year that Northug admitted a serious drug problem after the incident where he was caught driving while intoxicated and the police found drugs in his apartment.

The sentence was seven months in prison, which he was allowed to serve time in a drug institution.

Northug does not want to talk about the sentence and refers to what he has said to own via own previously. «Cynical and selfish» were his characteristics above own behavior.

– I went out in my own channels and talked about that time. Now I really only look ahead and look forward to a new cross-country winter, he says to VG.

Northug has atoned the verdict at Mestringhusenes 24-hour treatment clinic at Bolkesjø in Telemark.

– It was all about myself. There have been some disadvantages. Many have tried to control me, which has meant that I have not controlled my own everyday life. It has probably led to irritation. I have seen such things in a different perspective now, Northug has told about his previous lifestyle.

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– It’s very nonsensical, I’m just an exerciser. I train whenever I want, he says.

But the joy of competition is inherent in the former Olympic and World Cup the hero, who will probably be seen on the starting line in the long run this winter.

– I hope to go a long run or two when it’s time. It will be difficult in March, then there is a lot going on, but in February it should be possible to weave in a few rounds, he says.

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Both Marcialonga in Italy and Vasaloppet in Sweden can be opportunities for Northug. Where he was previously part of the national team, it is mostly a lone athlete who lays the foundation for the long runs.

– It is probably not an investment. I’m an exerciser, it’s just me on the team. But I throw myself with a little different runners, both in Oslo and Trondheim. Even is on Team Telemark and has participated in several sessions with them. That’s fine.

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