Nursing promotes 'Open Nursing Day' at ISAVE in Amares

It was with great support that the first edition of the Open Nursing Day took place, on January 12, in the auditorium of ISAVE . Organized by the 1st year students of the Nursing Degree at ISAVE, under the supervision of professor Lígia Monterroso, the initiative included the presentation, made by the students, of research works on Nursing techniques and procedures. The program ran smoothly, with strong interaction between speakers and audience, through the sharing of ideas and raising questions.

In the opinion of Lígia Monterroso, teacher and director of the Degree in Nursing, this event is for students as a “training to start enjoying research and knowledge sharing”.

In the opening session, Fausto Amaro, President of ISAVE, congratulated the organizing committee, highlighting the role of ISAVE in the constant appreciation of students and teachers, defending the importance of “initiatives like this — as they are a great contribution —, serve for your affirmation and contribute to a spirit of advancement constant”.

For Mafalda Duarte it is important to sensitize students and, consequently, future nurses to the scientific rigor required in their practices. The Vice-President also highlighted the role of CICS in the constant research work, “which strengthens the areas where you (students) work”, as well as the possibility for students to write in the scientific journal of ISAVE — TER – Investigation and Innovation in Health — “they have at ISAVE a set of tools that allow you to be nurses equipped with skills that can differentiate you in the future”.

In the students, nervousness was felt, as it treated It is an initiative of enormous importance in its first year of formation. For student Daniela Lopes, “it was good to be here, to see a lot of people and as it is the first work we presented, the fear of failure is present”. Opinion shared by her colleague Ana Rita Silva, who vented that there was “a lot of nervousness, as it is the presentation of an important work”.

Professor Lígia Monterroso, who was also part of the from the organizing committee, he also praised the work presented throughout the initiative, the result of the commitment shown by the students. For the course director, this is just the first step, launching the challenge for a “future edition, open to the community, where students present works that expose their own research”.


Semanário V

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