Nutraland’s VEGADELIGHT® Achieves GRAS Status

IRVINE, Calif., March 27, 2023 /Vwire/ — Nutraland USAa leading supplier of sustainable, plant-based nutritional ingredients, announced today that its Natural Vegan Vitamin D3 ingredient from Lichen, VEGADELIGHT®, has achieved self-affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status.

VEGADELIGHT® is a Natural Vegan Vitamin D3 derived from Lichen. The ingredient provides a clean-label, plant-based source of Vitamin D3 that is suitable for a wide range of applications and dosage forms.

GRAS status of VEGADELIGHT® was achieved after an intensive review of safety by an independent panel of scientific experts. The panel concluded that Nutraland’s VEGADELIGHT® Natural Vegan Vitamin D3 was safe within the terms of Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and GRAS according to Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR).

The achievement of GRAS status is a significant milestone for VEGADELIGHT®, as it confirms its safety for use in food, beverage, and supplement products.

“We are thrilled to have achieved GRAS status for VEGADELIGHT®,” said a spokesperson for Nutraland USA. “This certification is a testament to the safety and quality of our Natural Vegan Vitamin D3 ingredient. With the newly obtained GRAS status, we believe VEGADELIGHT® will be even more attractive to consumer product manufacturers looking for a clean-label, plant-based source of Vitamin D3.”

The newly obtained GRAS status will enable food, beverage, and supplement manufacturers to confidently incorporate VEGADELIGHT® into their products, such as plant-based dairy alternatives. With its exceptional safety profile, VEGADELIGHT® offers a reliable, superior source of Natural Vegan Vitamin D3 that is versatile, effective, and easy to incorporate into a wide variety of products.

To learn more about VEGADELIGHT® and Nutraland USA’s other sustainable, plant-based nutritional ingredients, visit or

Source: PRNewswire

This post originally appeared on PRNEWSWIRE

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