Nutrient Deficiency: Vitamin D Deficiency: Six Signs of a Deficit

Vitamins, essential fats, energy, proteins and minerals: all of this provides a balanced and healthy diet.

The nutrients regulate how our body grows and functions.

Vitamin D is a particularly important factor for our well-being Because, among other things, it helps the body to absorb calcium – and thus promotes bone growth.

The hormone is not only taken through food , but mainly through sunlight – about 80 to 90 percent are produced by the body itself when UVB radiation hits the skin.

Especially in the dark autumn and winter During the winter months, it is not uncommon for a vitamin D deficiency , because the little sunlight is not enough to get the necessary amounts of vitamin D.

These symptoms can be the first signs of a vitamin D deficiency.

1. Common diseases

The immune system protects the body from pathogens and viruses.

However, if there is a vitamin D deficiency, this has a negative effect on the immune system, because vitamin D with the Cells that make up the immune system interacts.

colds, flu , fever, allergies , Asthma and eczema are just a few of more than 80 diseases that can be caused by problems with immune function.

Tip: Superfood mix for a healthy immune system

2. Fatigue

Studies have shown that there is a connection between vitamin D deficiency and fatigue – especially in women.

The reason: Vitamin D increases energy levels and keeps active for a long time. So if you suffer from exhaustion in the middle of the day, this could be a sign of a deficiency.

Product tip

3. Weak bones

Another sign that blood levels of vitamin D are too low are weak bones.

Because a sufficient amount of vitamin D helps the body to build strong bones and maintain their health.

Why that? important is? Calcium and vitamin deficiencies can cause bone damage. Weak bones increase the risk of fractures and other injuries.

4. Hair loss

Hair breakage and hair loss are often attributed to stress. But other factors can also damage the hair.

A lack of vitamin D has been shown to lead to severe cause hair loss .

a Study has shown that there could even be a connection between a vitamin D deficiency and the autoimmune disease alopecia. Sick people suffer from severe hair loss.

5. Slow wound healing

The body has self-healing mechanisms that help to restore health in the event of illness and to close wounds quickly.

If even small injuries heal extremely slowly, this can indicate a vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D plays a significant role Role in the fight against infection and inflammation and ensures rapid healing.

Insufficient amounts of vitamin D can impair healing – and in the worst case even cause it that the healing process is stopped completely.

6. Extreme muscle pain

It is not easy to determine what exactly is causing muscle pain.

However, one study suggests that extreme muscle pain is a sign of vitamin -D deficiency could be. A deficiency can therefore cause muscle weakness and muscle pain in both adults and children Investigate the time more closely.

Important note: The information in this article contains only general information. To clarify a health problem, we recommend visiting trained and recognized doctors.


McCarty, D. (2010): Resolution of hypersomnia following identification and treatment of vitamin d deficiency., Accessed on February 24, 2020: https: / /

Cerman, A. et al. (2014): Vitamin D Deficiency in Alopecia Areata, accessed on February 24, 2020:

Tague, S. et al. (2011): Vitamin D Deficiency Promotes Skeletal Muscle Hypersensitivity and Sensory Hyperinnervation, accessed on February 24, 2020:

Reading tips

Grade: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source

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