NYT Strands today — my hints, answers and spangram for Saturday, December 28 (game #300)

Strands is the NYT’s latest word game after the likes of Wordle, Spelling Bee and Connections – and it’s great fun. It can be difficult, though, so read on for my Strands hints.

Want more word-based fun? Then check out my NYT Connections today and Quordle today pages for hints and answers for those games, and Marc’s Wordle today page for the original viral word game.

SPOILER WARNING: Information about NYT Strands today is below, so don’t read on if you don’t want to know the answers.

NYT Strands today (game #300) – hint #1 – today’s theme

What is the theme of today’s NYT Strands?

Today’s NYT Strands theme is… Just the essentials

NYT Strands today (game #300) – hint #2 – clue words

Play any of these words to unlock the in-game hints system.

  • THEM
  • ROAR
  • HOLE
  • WOOD
  • WAVE

NYT Strands today (game #300) – hint #3 – spangram

What is a hint for today’s spangram?

Smells good

NYT Strands today (game #300) – hint #4 – spangram position

What are two sides of the board that today’s spangram touches?

First side: right, 2nd row

Last side: right, 3rd row

Right, the answers are below, so DO NOT SCROLL ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE THEM.

NYT Strands today (game #300) – the answers

NYT Strands answers for game 300 on a blue background

(Image credit: New York Times)

The answers to today’s Strands, game #300, are…


  • My rating: Easy
  • My score: Perfect

There are around 90 essential oils, all with numerous benefits. Among the four we were looking for today, CEDARWOOD helps with focus, LAVENDER relieves stress, and EUCALYPTUS aids congestion. In other words if you’re stuck on Strands, try unblocking with some essential oils.

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Meanwhile, PATCHOULI was popular in the hippie era for covering up the smell of smoke and alcohol – and, no doubt, going unwashed for a couple of days. It also repels mosquitos and is beneficial to dry skin.

Interestingly King Tutankhamun was buried in his golden royal tomb accompanied by 10 gallons of patchouli. He either had some nasty habits or very dry skin.

How did you do today? Send me an email and let me know.

Yesterday’s NYT Strands answers (Friday, 27 December, game #299)

  • NEON
  • PERM

What is NYT Strands?

Strands is the NYT’s new word game, following Wordle and Connections. It’s now out of beta so is a fully fledged member of the NYT’s games stable and can be played on the NYT Games site on desktop or mobile.

I’ve got a full guide to how to play NYT Strands, complete with tips for solving it, so check that out if you’re struggling to beat it each day.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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