ÖB on the Russian outcome: “Does not even take it seriously”

Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén dismisses the Russian statement that Sweden is to blame for the increased tensions.

– These are pure forgeries and I do not even take it seriously, he says in SVT : s “Current”.

On Monday, the Russian government made a statement that it was Sweden and Estonia that through provocations were behind the increased tension in the Baltic Sea area.

– We are not the reason, said Vladimir Putin’s press spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén comments on the plot in SVT’s Aktuellt.

– I do not even take it seriously – The Kremlin says a lot of things, he says.

In the segment, Bydén gives his own view of what is behind the deteriorating security situation.

– This is generated by Russian capacity-building, Russian very harsh rhetoric, Russian demand for security measures.

“This is event-driven”

Bydén also says that the Armed Forces does not rule out any scenarios and is prepared to act.

In recent months, Russia has mobilized 100,000 troops along the border with Ukraine and demanded that NATO and the United States, including not expand the military alliance. At the same time, Russia has threatened with “military technical measures.”

This weekend, the Armed Forces made several troop movements to, among other places, Gotland. How long the reinforcements remain depends on the development.

– This is event-driven right now, says Bydén in Aktuellt.

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