October Girl Group Brand Reputation Rankings Announced

The Korean Business Research Institute has revealed this month’s brand reputation rankings for girl groups!

The rankings were determined through an analysis of the consumer participation, media coverage, interaction, and community indexes of various girl groups, using big data collected from September 9 to October 9.

BLACKPINK topped the list for the fifth consecutive month with a brand reputation index of 7,170,250, marking a 14.58 percent increase in their score since September. High-ranking phrases in their keyword analysis included “Shut Down,” “concert,” and “YouTube,” while their highest-ranking related terms included “by far,” “surpass,” and “long run.” The group’s positivity-negativity analysis also revealed a score of 89.83 percent positive reactions.

Girls’ Generation rose to second place in the rankings with a brand reputation index of 4,267,366, while IVE followed in third place with a total index of 4,143,670.

TWICE came in at a close fourth with a brand reputation index of 4,049,033, and NewJeans rounded out the top five with a total index of 3,165,030 for October.

Check out the top 30 for this month below!

  2. Girls’ Generation
  3. IVE
  4. TWICE
  5. NewJeans
  6. Red Velvet
  7. Oh My Girl
  8. ITZY
  9. aespa
  10. NMIXX
  11. (G)I-DLE
  14. EXID
  15. fromis_9
  16. Apink
  17. DIA
  18. LOONA
  19. ALICE
  20. Girl’s Day
  21. Brave Girls
  22. cignature
  23. WJSN
  24. APRIL
  26. STAYC
  27. Dreamcatcher
  28. Kep1er
  29. Ladies’ Code
  30. Brown Eyed Girls

Watch Girls’ Generation’s Sooyoung in her recent drama “If You Wish Upon Me” with subtitles below!

Watch Now

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