‘Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent’, the Prequel Story to ‘Octopath Traveler’ Is Releasing in the West This Year

Square Enix revealed and released Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent () in Japan as a mobile exclusive prequel to the superb JRPG Octopath Traveler. If you’ve not followed it, Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent is set in the same universe as the main console game with characters from the main game showing up here. It finally released in Japan back in October 2020. Today, Square Enix announced that Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent is finally coming to North America and Europe this year during the 2.0 live stream for the game in Japan. The announcement from the stream also mentions a closed beta with more details to be revealed next week. Watch the Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent trailer below:

Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent is a single player RPG that is free to play. As of now, it has only been confirmed for North America and Europe. Hopefully Square Enix does release it in more territories at launch and gives us a full country list ahead of time. An official Facebook page for the game’s Western release has been launched as well. If you’d like to check the Japanese release of Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent out, you can get Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent on the App Store for iOS here and on Google Play for Android here. Check out the official website here. Did you play Octopath Traveler on PC or Nintendo Switch?

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